Things You'll Need
Dog shampoo
Dog food or toy
Cotton balls
Nail polish remover
Antibacterial ointment
When you leave your dog unattended for a few minutes, he has the opportunity to get into trouble. Super Glue can make a mess of your pooch's fur and skin. If possible, get a family member to soothe your furry friend while you work carefully to remove the glue residue. Work slowly and carefully, since the process may be uncomfortable for your dog. Reward him with treats or a toy, for good behavior.
Cut away tangled fur with scissors. Super Glue can cause fur to stick together, forming a big knot. Remove as much glue and mangled fur as you can by cutting it away.
Soak his paw in small bucket filled with warm soapy water for several minutes. Since it may be difficult to get him to hold still, it may be easier to do this step when your dog has an empty stomach. Have him sit down on his favorite bed while soaking his paw, and slowly feed him a few pieces of kibble. Because he is hungry, he may be more willing to sit still while soaking his paw.
Peel the glue from his skin. After soaking, the dried-on glue should be softer and easier for you to remove. Start at the outside edges, and slowly pull the Super Glue from his paw. You may need to re-soak the paw again, if the glue starts to dry out. An old toothbrush may be a beneficial tool for gentle scrubbing.
Rub the glue with a cotton ball soaked with nail polish remover. If he still has glue on his skin after soaking and peeling, an acetone-based nail polish remover may help further loosen stuck-on glue.
Apply antibacterial ointment to the affected area, once all glue and residue has been removed. Wrap the area with gauze so the skin can heal. Check his paw later in the day to see if it is red or swollen. If his paw is bleeding or seems overly irritated, take him to see a veterinarian before an infection occurs.
Having to cut away a large area of fur may leave a gap in his coat. Take your dog to the groomer after you get the glue off his paw. She can cut his fur so the empty patch blends in better.
Find out how your dog got a hold of the Super Glue. If he is getting into cabinets, you may want to install child safety locks on your cupboard doors.
Do not use nail polish remover on your dog's paw if the skin is broken or if there is bleeding. The harsh chemical may irritate an open wound. If there is an open wound, petroleum jelly and mineral oil are non-irritating substances that can help loosen glue.
Photo Credits
Janie Airey/Lifesize/Getty Images
Writer Bio
Melodie Anne Coffman specializes in overall wellness, with particular interests in women's health and personal defense. She holds a master's degree in food science and human nutrition and is a certified instructor through the NRA. Coffman is pursuing her personal trainer certification in 2015.