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How to Trim a Pot-Bellied Pig's Feet

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil

  • Diagonal-cut mini-pliers

  • File (optional)

  • Treats

The feet of pot-bellied pigs end in hooves, and these hooves will grow for the pig's entire life. If you have a pot-bellied pig who is relatively sedentary or does not wear down his hooves quickly, you will need to trim his feet on a regular basis to make sure he can walk properly.

Get your pig accustomed to having his feet handled. Begin this process early by petting your pig's feet and holding them in your hand when he is small. Some pigs do not like to have their feet touched, so go slowly and make sure you give your pet a positive experience with having his feet handled.

Position your pig on her back. Rubbing a pot-bellied pig's stomach is a good way to get her to roll over.

Use a pencil to mark how far you want to trim back your pig's hooves. Figure out where the soft pad of his foot begins behind the hoof, and make sure you do not mark a point that will touch the pad of his foot. On pigs with white hooves, you can see the dark line where the soft pad begins.

Cut back your pig's hooves using diagonal-cut mini-pliers. These pliers are often available at home improvement stores, and they will give you more control over the process. You can also use horse nippers, but they are usually too large for a small pig. If your pig's hooves show signs of stress or cracking, use a file to finish the job.

Reward your pot-bellied pig with treats after you have finished trimming her hooves. Some good treats include grapes, small bits of cereal and very small amounts of cheese.

You can shine a flashlight through a pot-bellied pig's hooves to see where the soft pad begins, if the pig is pale enough.