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How to Hogtie a Pig

| Updated August 11, 2017

Hogties are defined as a means of binding an animal's legs together. Hogtying a pig is a way to prevent the animal from standing or walking; fastening its legs together with rope pulls it off balance. Once the pig is subdued on its side you should act quickly, using a reliable farm knot to secure the binding and prevent the animal from rising, fleeing or charging.

Wrap a 30-inch rope around all four ankles of the pig. Pull all four ankles tightly together so that they touch. Leave at least eight inches of free hanging rope on each end to complete the tie.

Hold both free ends of rope in an upward direction. Cross the left side over the right and loop it under the right side, pulling it back up and through. You should now be holding the two free ends up rope upwards once again. This is the first step of a square knot, which is a quick and reliable farm knot.

Cross the right, free-hanging side behind the left. Loop it down and over the left front end and pull it through to the back side. Yank both ends as tight as possible to complete the square knot. The square knot is good for hogtying because the more the pig's legs move the tighter the knot becomes.