Things You'll Need
No-cry shampoo
No-cry conditioner
Wire bristle brush
Thinning sheers
Grooming sheers
Despite its long hair, the Papillon requires minimal grooming effort. In fact, trimming around the ears and paws makes up most of the work required to keep your Papillon's hair short. Most of the work involved with Papillon grooming involves regular brushing to prevent tangled hair, regular baths with both shampoo and conditioner to keep the hair manageable and nail trimming. Trim your Papillon's hair as often as you deem necessary to maintain the dog's desired look.
Hold each paw and brush the hair out with a wire bristle brush. This makes the hair stick out and allows for an even cut.
Cut the hair round the paws with thinning sheers. Trim the hair close to the paw. Stop when you can see the foot pads and hair no longer flows over the foot onto the ground.
Trim away any overhanging areas with a pair of grooming sheers.
Brush the hair on the dog's ankle straight out for an even cut. Trim the ankle area until no hair is touching the floor. Use the thinning sheers first and then even out the area with the grooming sheers.
Trim ears so no hair gets inside the ear cavity. Too much hair inside the ear can cause an infection.
Brush the rest of the Papillon's coat and cut to a desired length with the trimming sheers.
Place a towel under your dog to catch the hair and make clean up easier. Use treats and positive reinforcement to create a positive association with grooming. A scared Papillon is less likely to cooperate with the process. Thinning sheers cut hair without creating a visible cut line. Grooming sheers look like standard scissors with a blunt end to prevent poking.
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Writer Bio
David Montoya is an attorney who graduated from the UCLA School of Law. He also holds a Master of Arts in American Indian studies. Montoya's writings often cover legal topics such as contract law, estate law, family law and business.