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How to Become a Dog Food Distributor

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Storage area

  • Internet access

  • Pallets

Becoming a dog food distributor is not a difficult proposition. Pet owners are always looking for new products and if you are able to provide them with quality dog food that they cannot get through other avenues, they will be willing to do business with you. Independent dog food distributors can be found throughout the country and their numbers are growing.

Becoming a Dog Food Distributor

Determine your initial start-up cost. Dog food distributors need start-up capital, as most of the dog food suppliers will not deliver their product without having an initial payment. Depending upon the distributor used, costs can roughly range from a minimum order of $250 to a minimum order of $1,000.

With many of the more popular brands of dog food now being carried by such big-box stores as Wal-mart and Costco, it's usually not cost-effective to be their distributors, given the competition. You'll need to find some smaller, niche brands that you can leverage via innovative marketing. By researching them on line and through phone conversations, you'll be able to find which companies can provide you with the best product and savings.

Set up a storage area. Make sure that the area you've chosen is free from moisture and from various pests. Rats, mice and even crickets are attracted to dog foods and they will do everything possible in order to get to your food supply. Setting the food up on a raised pallet will help to cut down on any rodent problems.

Create an Internet presence. Even if you're going to be a local distributor and have people come to your residence or your business, you'll still need an Internet presence, as many people search for dog food distributors using the Internet. Make sure that the information you provide also comes with a map so that people can easily locate you.

Advertise locally. In addition to the Internet, you'll want a local presence. This will help to ensure that people going into feed stores, grooming shops and pet stores can see your business information. Arrange a deal with local businesses that will allow you to provide anyone with a "referral fee" who sends business in your direction.

Keep accurate records. You'll need to keep track of your income flow and your inventory costs and any additional fees that you incur.


  • On a monthly basis, check your balance sheet to determine which products are selling and which are not. If you have limited space, you'll need to make sure that you're not keeping things in stock which aren't selling. Phase out your non-sellers and try to locate new products that have better potential.