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How Do You Keep the Cattle's Water Trough Clean?

i Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images

Keeping a clean, clear water trough is a basic part of providing adequate daily care for your cows. Clean water helps keep your cows well hydrated and healthy. Algae naturally forms in stagnant water and the dirty trough problem will be compounded by various seeds, weeds, slobber and whatever else your cow has in or around her mouth whenever she reaches into the trough to take a drink.

Step 1

Drain all of the old water out of the tank. Dump or scoop any remaining debris out of the tank.

Step 2

Spray bleach or vinegar into the trough as a disinfectant. Scrub down the inside of the water trough with your scrub brush until the trough is cleaned to your satisfaction.

Step 3

Rinse out water trough with a hose and refill it with clean water. Repeat process every two to three days or as needed. Regular cleaning and scrubbing is the only truly effective way to keep your cow's water trough clean.