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How to Use Boric Acid to Cure Mange

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • 2 cups hydrogen peroxide

  • 2 tbsp Borax

  • Spray bottle

Mange is a skin condition that results from a localized mite infestation. Depending on the type of mange, symptoms can include itching and hair loss. Borax, a derivative of boric acid, can be used to cure mange. While boric acid is toxic, Borax is a safe and effective treatment for mange.

Pour 2 cups of 1 percent hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle.

Add 2 tablespoons Borax to the water.

Spray the affected area with the solution. Do not wash it off. The solution should be left on to dry.

Repeat this application once a week for two months.