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How to Use Graviola for Pet Cancer

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Graviola

  • Cottage cheese

  • Flaxseed oil

  • Yogurt

  • Meat or cheese

Graviola is a common name for Annona retuiculata, or custard apple. This tree grows in Amazon rain forest of South America and the Caribbean Islands. The graviola has fruit to eat and all parts of the tree have medicinal properties. The tree is an evergreen that grows to a height of about 19 feet. The leaves are large and dark green. Scientists have studied this tree since the 1940s, but the main focus is on the chemicals called Annonaceous acetogenins found in the Annonaceae family. This chemical is what fights and kills cancer cells.

Talk with a holistic veterinarian first so you know how much graviola to give your pet. Also, discuss which form you should give your pet. This will depend on the size and weight of your pet and the type of cancer your pet has.

Decide on which form you want to give your pet. The leaves and stems are the most effective at killing cancer cells. Graviola comes as an infusion, tincture or capsules.

Mix the graviola with three tablespoons of cottage cheese, one tablespoon of flaxseed oil and one tablespoon of yogurt. This not only helps it to taste better, it helps the pet’s body to absorb it better.

Set this mixture in front of your pet and allow him to eat. The graviola tastes bitter, and combining it with these ingredients helps hide the bitter taste.


  • Your veterinarian may prescribe graviola in pill form. To administer the pill, wrap the pill in meat or cheese, but just be sure to give your pet several treats without the pill inside first. You can also push the pill to the back of your pet’s throat. Clamp the jaws shut with your hands and blow into the pet's nose until the pet swallows the pill.