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Is Rutin Safe for Dogs?

| Updated September 26, 2017

Rutin is a naturally occurring substance found in fruit. It is readily available over-the-counter, as well. Although it is commonly used for human consumption, Rutin is used to treat certain conditions in dogs.


i Image by Flickr.com, courtesy of Caleb

Rutin is a benzopyrone compound derived from the fruit of the Fava D'Anta tree. This tree is native to Brazil.


Rutin is used to lower cholesterol levels in dogs. According to the Veterinary Institute of Integrated Medicine, Rutin is the only recommended oral treatment for idiopathic chlyothorax in dogs.


Rutin is classified as a bioflavonoid. These compounds give fruit and vegetables their color. Bioflavonoids are generally considered safe as they are naturally occurring in foods.


Rutin is safe for use on dogs when used to treat high cholesterol and idiopathic chlyothorax. Consult a qualified veterinarian to answer specific questions about your dog's health.


It is possible that Rutin can affect how certain medications work. If your dog takes other medications or supplements, check with a veterinarian before administering Rutin.