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How to Make a Carrying Sling for a Small Dog or a Cat

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure

  • Cloth shears

  • Nylon cloth

  • Sewing machine

  • Needle

  • Thread

  • 2-inch neoprene strap

Carrying slings hang over one shoulder with the pet resting in a pouch below your chest. Slings can carry 5- to 15-lbs. pets. Since nylon is a durable and low-cost fabric, it is used for the pouch of your sling. Neoprene is strong enough to hold the weight of your small pet, yet soft enough to cushion the weight of the pet on your shoulder. Carrying slings are easy to make. With a few items available at your local fabric store, make a carrying sling for your small dog or cat.

Measure the length and width of your pet using a tape measure. For reference, use the measurements 12 inches in length by 6 inches in width.

Use the formula (2 times length by 3 times width) to calculate the size of the nylon cloth. For reference, cut the nylon cloth 24 inches in length by 24 inches in width. Use cloth shears.

Fold the nylon cloth lengthwise. Sew the sides of the nylon cloth with a sewing machine. If a sewing machine is not available, sew the nylon cloth with a needle and thread.

Cut a 2-inch neoprene strap 2 times the length of the pet. For reference, cut the neoprene strap 24 inches in length. Sew the end of the strap on the side of the nylon pouch. Sew the opposite end of the strap to the opposite side of the nylon pouch.

Wear the neoprene strap around your shoulder with the nylon pouch in front of you. Place the small pet inside the pouch. Your carrying sling is ready to use.