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How to Hold a Duck

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Loud quacking and flapping wings beating you in the face can be the unpleasant result of picking up a duck the wrong way. Her instinct to get away brings about wriggling and wing-flapping -- and in some duck species, clawing -- as she struggles for freedom. Learn to hold a duck so she feels secure, and she'll happily rest comfortably in your arms.

Secure the Legs

The most important part of holding a duck is securing her legs. With the duck facing you, place your hand, palm up, on the duck's belly, with the middle three fingers sliding between the duck's legs. Use your pinky finger and thumb to secure the legs together.

Picking Up the Duck

Place your other hand on the duck's back to hold down the duck and draw her close to your body with her weight resting on the forearm of the hand holding her legs. Tuck her head lightly between your arm and your body. Your duck is now well-secured for carrying.

Petting the Duck

If you are holding the duck for children to pet, you can extend the forearm upon which the duck is resting at a right angle to your body. The duck will remain resting on your forearm, and her back, neck and sides will be easy for little hands to reach. Use your other hand to settle any wing-flapping or to control the duck's head if needed.