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What Does a Full Size Corn Snake Look Like?

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Corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus) are non-venomous and tend to be more docile than larger varieties of snake. These snakes will grow to be approximately 4 to 6 feet in adulthood. Corn snakes come in a wide array of colors and patterns naturally, and are also bred to have specific appearance traits.

Wild Corn Snake Colors

Wild corn snakes vary in coloring by region and ancestry. Most of these wild snakes are a combination of gold, amber, orange, muted reds and shades of brown. The most common marking style for a wild corn snake is red or orange saddle markings with darker outlines and a white or pale yellow underside.

Corn Snake Morphs

Corn snakes that are bred for certain color and pattern variations are called morphs. There are more than 375 documented morphs, though some are more rare than others due to recessive traits. The most commonly produced morphs are the Okeetee, featuring an orange and red saddle pattern with a rich black outline running the length of their bodies, and the Miami, which is similar to the Okeetee with grey or tan pattern outlines instead of black.