Properly feeding your chinchilla is the pathway to helping your adorable pet rodent remain active, healthy and content throughout his life. Hay and pellets are major components of a balanced chinchilla diet. Roughage, like hay, makes up the bulk of the diet for free roaming wild chinchillas, as well.
Fresh Hay
Always ensure that your chinchilla has fresh hay to eat, 24/7. Roughage is important for your pet's gastrointestinal tract but also for his dental health. Both loose hay and hay cubes are appropriate. Some suitable options for hay are Timothy hay, meadow hay, orchard hay and alfalfa hay. Always make sure that Timothy hay is plentiful, however. Offer your chinchilla brand new fresh hay every day. If you leave it out for any longer than that, you may risk it becoming moldy or otherwise dirty -- not good.
Chinchilla pellets are also a valuable aspect of a nutritious chinchilla diet. Feed your chin commercial pellets that cater exclusively to the chinchilla species -- nothing for rabbits or any other rodents. Offer your pet between one and two tablespoons of these pellets each day -- think one during the morning, and another in the evening.
Fresh Veggies
Dietary supplementation is also key to a successful chinchilla diet -- think fresh vegetables. Offer your chinchilla approximately a single teaspoon of veggies per day, according to the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals organization. Some examples of suitable fresh veggies for a chinchilla are romaine lettuce, dandelion greens, cilantro and carrots. Always closely monitor your chinchilla's cage for remnants of ignored veggies. If a chin doesn't eat any fresh items in a span of 24 hours or less, throw them out immediately.
Fresh Water
It is also necessary to feed a chinchilla water every day. Ample H20 is essential for maintaining a strong and healthy chinchilla, so do not get forgetful with it. Give your pet clean, filtered water that is devoid of chlorine, and make sure to replenish it entirely at least once a day. If you ever notice your chinchilla's water running low, refresh it immediately, as well.
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