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Fruits to Feed an African Ringneck Parrot

i Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

African ring-necked parakeets (Psittacula krameri krameri) are smallish, graceful and gentle birds often kept as pets. These parakeets, like many other birds, flourish on diets that include regular servings of fresh fruit, but only in conjunction with other key forms of sustenance, such as pellets. It is vital to make sure you never give your parrot any fruit unless you are 100 percent certain of its safety.

Fresh Fruit

African ring-necked parakeets do well on thoroughly washed fresh fruits including oranges, apples, peaches, cherries, grapes, pomegranates, cranberries, apricots, watermelon and bananas. Also, you can serve dried pineapples, papayas and mangoes. Although fruits are definitely good dietary supplements for ring-necked parakeets, you should keep them as just that -- supplements. Do not allow fruit to be the foundation of your pet's menu.


Always carefully chop up pieces of fruit into tiny and manageable bites for your parrot. If your bird doesn't quickly consume his fruit -- say within an hour or so -- remove all traces of it from her cage. You don't want to run the risk of her eating anything spoiled. Also, take great caution to ensure that your African ring-necked parakeet never has access to any fruit seeds or pits. Not only are some seeds and pits toxic to a bird, they can also be choking hazards. Always examine the fruit you give your pet thoroughly beforehand.

Serving Size

Since African ring-necked parakeets are smaller birds, you can feed them between a half-teaspoon and a teaspoon of fruit once a day. Larger birds can consume more than these parakeets -- usually around a tablespoon.

Fresh Vegetables and Seeds

Apart from fruit, fresh vegetables also can be a positive addition to an African ring-necked parakeet's diet. Just as with fruit, it is crucial to make sure you only feed parrot-safe veggies to your pet. Avocados, for example, are hazardous for birds. Make a point of speaking to an avian veterinarian before feeding your African ring-necked parakeet anything new, including produce. Some of the fresh veggies that parakeets routinely eat are peas, broccoli, squash, zucchini, celery, parsley, cucumber, kale, romaine lettuce and corn. Seeds, too, can be a positive addition to an African ring-necked parakeet's diet, but only in strict moderation. Look for commercial sprouted seed mixes that cater to parakeets. Always be sure to closely read product labeling. Play it safe and smart, and consult the vet before offering any specific seeds to your bird.