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The Lifespan of a Citron Cockatoo

i Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images

Citron-crested cockatoos (Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata) are sizable white birds that are members of the family Cacatuidae. These relatively silent yet amiable parrots originally come from Indonesia in Southeast Asia, but reside as pets in households all over the world. Citron-crested cockatoos can often lead lengthy lives of more than half a century.


Citron-crested cockatoos have typical life expectancies of between 50 and 60 years -- a major benefit for owners of these pleasant cockatoos. It is important to remember, however, that the key to longevity in these dainty cockatoos is proper care and maintenance.


One way to get your citron-crested cockatoo on a path to a long and happy existence is by feeding him the right diet. Similarly to many other pet birds, these guys flourish when fed commercially prepared pellets. Pellets aren't the only component of a well-rounded bird diet, however. Controlled portions of fresh fruit and vegetables each day are also important -- think corn, grapes, cut-up pineapples, apples, pears, spinach, bananas, pomegranates, carrots and broccoli. Tiny amounts of fortified seeds are also acceptable. Play it cautious and always speak with an avian veterinarian before making any introductions to your pet's diet, whether a new brand of pellets or a certain green vegetable.


Water is a major component to human well-being, and it's no different in cockatoo land. Make sure that your citron-crested cockatoo constantly has plenty of clean, preferably filtered, H20 right in front of him, no exceptions.

Veterinary Appointments

Keep your citron-crested cockatoo healthy as can be by keeping up on his veterinary visits. Take the time to bring him to an avian veterinarian at least once yearly. If you ever spot any indications of sickness, take him to the veterinarian immediately. Some possible signs of an unwell cockatoo include overly long beaks, eye discharge, weight loss or gain and difficulties with gait. All of these things are potential signs of illness in your pet, so pay close attention to them -- and act quickly. It's up to you, as the loving owner of your bird, to do all that you can to ensure that he receives the long and fulfilling life that he deserves. Whether it comes to maintaining a hygienic and spacious cage environment or making sure that he gets enough daily physical fitness, do what is within your control.