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How to Make Nectar for Sugar Gliders

When you adopt a sugar glider, the most important thing you can do for her health is to feed her a balanced and nutritious diet. But providing proper nutrition for your glider isn't as easy as buying a bag of glider chow from the pet supply shop. If your furry little friend were living in the wild, she'd make her meals from tree sap, nectar, pollen, honeydew melons and a selection of insects. The fruit and insects are simple to provide, but you should whip up a batch of nutritious nectar to keep your glider healthy and happy.

Step 1

Place the warm water, honey, egg and vitamin supplement into the blender and puree the ingredients together.

Step 2

Remove the stopper from the blender lid, and with the blender still running, slowly pour the baby cereal through the opening in the lid. Continue blending until the mixture is smooth.

Step 3

Pour the nectar mixture into the container and put the lid securely in place before storing it in the fridge.