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Agar Recipe for Ant Farms

i Photos.com/Photos.com/Getty Images

Agar, a gel made from seaweed, provides a perfect medium for a home ant farm. This clear gel provides a habitat for ants to tunnel and live in while offering you the ability to watch what they are doing. While many ant farm kits contain agar gel, you can make your own at home with a few ingredients in a simple glass jar with a mesh lid.

Combine, Color and Contain

To make your own agar, you will need 500 milliliters of water, an egg and 5 grams of agar powder. Visit your local health food store to find the agar powder. Divide the water into two containers. Add the egg to one container of water and mix with a fork. Combine the two containers of water before adding the agar powder. Mix everything together until smooth. For a little bit of color, add a drop of food coloring. Pour the mixture into the container you plan to use for your ant habitat and place it into the refrigerator until the gel sets.