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How to Own Peacocks as Pets

i Peacock image by Charles Jacques from Fotolia.com

Peacocks are beautiful, hardy creatures, able to live in all types of climates -- from the extreme heat of India to the fluctuating temperatures of the American northwest. The jewel-toned fowl are will thrive if their basic needs are met, but they have a loud, shrill cry that would disturb those close to you in a neighborhood. It's recommended you have at least an acre of property, entirely fenced. Because they like to roost high at night, you should have trees on your property, unless you don't mind the colorful birds bedding down on your roof.

Step 1

Provide fresh water at all times for your peacocks. They can drink from a trough if it is low enough, or from large dishes placed directly on the ground.

Step 2

Feed your peacocks two handfuls of mixed grain per adult bird each day. Feed stores stock grain mixtures formulated for pheasants that is appropriate to feed peacocks. Peacocks do well on game bird crumbles, too, also available at feed stores.

Step 3

Supplement your peacocks' diet with cabbage or other green vegetable.

Step 4

Worm your peacocks regularly to keep them healthy. How often this is depends on the type of wormer you use. If you use diatomaceous earth, include it with the peacocks' food daily. Herbal worming products are typically administered monthly; chemical preparations, every six months. Read the medication packaging for proper dosage and frequency.

Step 5

Keep your peacock flock safe from predators. Tall fencing around your property will help with this task but you can also turn a radio on at night, keeping it near your peacocks to keep predatory animals at bay.