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What Gender of Turkey Gobbles?

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Turkeys are a bird native to North America. According to the State University of New York, turkeys produce 28 different vocalizations to communicate with other turkeys. One of these well-recognized vocalizations is the gobble. Although males are more likely to communicate by gobbling, females are able to gobble as well.

Male Gobbling

Male turkeys predominantly are recognized for being gobblers. Males gobble for several reasons. Most notably, males gobble to attract female turkeys, or hens, for mating in the spring. However, males do not only gobble during mating season. Males gobble year-round to communicate with other males, assert their dominance and alert other turkeys about lurking predators. Males also gobble when disturbed by loud noises or unexpected movements of other turkeys or animals.

Female Gobbling

Female turkeys also gobble, according to the Pennsylvania Game Commission. However, females typically make other vocalizations such as clucking, purring and yelping. According to the State University of New York, female hens communicate to their unhatched chicks using vocalizations. This sometimes synchronizes the hatching of the eggs. Female turkeys also use various vocalizations to warn offspring of predators.