Things You'll Need
Boiled Chicken
Cooking Timer
2 Syringes without needles (these can be seasoning syringes or one seasoning syringe and one eye dropper)
Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis (HGE) is a condition of the intestinal tract. It affects small breed dogs such as toy and miniature breeds. Treating your dog for this condition is trying because it takes around the clock treatment for a period of at least 24 hours. This article will tell you how to treat your dog for HGE and, possibly, save your dogs life.
How to treat your dog for HGE
Begin by either seeking a veterinarian's advice or, if your dog has already been diagnosed once with this condition, begin treatment quickly. Gather the materials except the chicken. You can boil the chicken later.
Forcing your dog to ingest the Pedialyte and the Kaopectate is probably not your idea of caring for your dog, but it is necessary for the treatment. Depending on the weight of your dog, begin force feeding them at least 5 cc's of Pedialyte every 15 minutes and administer 1/2 teaspoon of Kaopectate after every bowel movement.
Continue this process for at least 12 hours. If you have to use a timer to remind you to give the dog more, then set your timer for 15 minutes. If the dog continues to vomit and have diarrhea after giving treatment, contact your veterinarian. It is normal for the dog to continue with some vomiting for the first hour or so after the onset of treatment. If this happens, simply continue administering the fluids every 15 minutes.
Treatment of this type should continue at least 12 hours. After 12 hours you can begin giving your dog small amounts of boiled chicken. The chicken should be boiled and then removed from the bone, making sure there are no bones, skin, or fat attached to the meat. If the initial amount of chicken is tolerated and not thrown up, continue giving the boiled chicken for at least 12 hours. The chicken should be given at intervals at first. Try administering the chicken every 30 minutes. The amount of chicken given at first should only be a couple of tablespoons. After seeing this is tolerated, you can increase the amount of chicken given.
Eating normally is the point you are trying to achieve. If the dog is eating normal, then you can begin giving the dog his normal food. Avoiding HGE is not a simple task. Many people enjoy giving their best friend some of the same things we eat. However, there is a possibility that these foods can trigger HGE. It is best to keep your dog on a canine diet and refrain from feeding him table food.
If your dog weighs more than 10-12 lbs, administer more Pedialyte and Kaopectate as these are given according to the dogs weight. If your dog continues to vomit and have diarrhea for a period of 3 hours after treatment has begun, seek professional help immediately.
Do not be lax in the administration of fluids to your dog. Not keeping with the schedule can be fatal to your dog. The dog needs fluids to replenish what they have lost and to keep from dehydrating.
The author of this article is not a professional and is not responsible for injury or mishap while performing tasks in this article.