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How to Sew a Cuddle Sack for Your Small Pet

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Cotton fabric

  • Fleece fabric

  • Scissors

  • Sewing machine

  • Thread

  • Measuring tape

Regardless of their size or species, all pets share some common traits, one of which is the need to feel secure. Small animals can benefit from the sense of security a cuddle sack can provide, whether it's nap time, or a personal hideaway from other family pets. These small sacks are comfortable not only for your small pet, but also for your wallet, when you put your do-it-yourself skills to use.

Measure your fabric. You'll do this based on the size of your pet. A guinea pig, for example, will fit easily into a cuddle sack the size of a large napkin. Measure out two pieces of the cotton fabric, 14 inches square. Repeat these measurements on your fleece fabric.

Cut out your fabric and fleece squares using the scissors.

Lay one square of cotton fabric on top of the other square of cotton fabric with the outer side of both fabric pieces facing inward. You'll be sewing your fabric inside out.

Attach three sides of your fabric using the sewing machine. Run your stitches approximately 1 inch from the outer edge.

Repeat steps 3 and 4 with your fleece.

Turn your cotton square right side out.

Slide the fleece square into the cotton square. Your fleece square should still be inside out.

Using your fingers, turn the unsewn edges of the cotton fabric and fleece fabric inward toward one another. You'll be burying the rough edges inside the seam you'll sew around the outer edge of the sack.

Sew this final seam.

Fold down the edges of your cuddle sack toward the outside, as if you were folding down the top of a sandwich bag.


  • Use pinking shears to keep your fabrics from fraying during construction.

    If you're using leftover cotton fabric, iron out any wrinkles to make measuring and construction easier.

    For best results, don't run a seam along the bottom of the sack. You'll be able to pull the fleece free for easier cleanup of waste.


  • Keep scissors away from children.