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How to Make a Sugar Glider Sleeping Pouch

Sugar gliders are small, inquisitive marsupials who are native to Indonesia and Australia. They spend the majority of their daytime hours sleeping, and it is imperative that they have a comfortable spot to do so. Owners can make no sew pouches to accommodate these pets during the daytime.

Step 1

Cut the flannel into 12-by-12-inch squares. Position them on top of each other with the right sides out. Starting from the top of the square, mark down at 1/2-inch intervals. Each mark should be 3 inches long and made toward the center of the fabric. Repeat with the other side and bottom edge.

Step 2

Cut through both pieces of fabric on the marked lines. As this happens, a 3-by-3-inch section will be cut entirely from each of the bottom corners. After finishing this step, you will be left with fabric that is cut on both sides and the bottom, leaving a central rectangle that measures 6 inches across and 9 inches long. Most sugar gliders reach sizes no bigger than 12 inches long (with a tail as long as their body) so this allows for plenty of room to snuggle.

Step 3

Tie the two pieces of fabric together, starting at the bottom left corner. Double knot each pair of fringe pieces together, working your way around the entire outer edge. Leave only the top flaps untied on each side.

Step 4

Slide the swivel clasp onto the top side of the untied fringe and double knot. Repeat for the other side. The sleeping pouch can then be hung at any position within your sugar glider's cage.