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How to Remove Cat Urine Stains from a Carpet

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Paper towels

  • White vinegar

  • Water

  • Baking soda

  • Hydrogen peroxide

  • Liquid dish washing soap

  • Scrubbing brush

  • Vacuum

It is best to clean cat urine stains out of carpets as soon as possible after the accident. If it is an old stain, wet it before proceeding with the steps listed in this article. Cats often urinate in the same place again and again, usually after the spot is marked. To dissuade your kitty from using the same spot, you need to remove not only the stain, but the odor as well.

Blot the area well with paper towels to get rid of all the excess moisture. Keep doing this until the paper towels come up dry.

Mix 1 part white vinegar with 1 part water. Pour this mixture over the stained area. Allow it to dry. You can blot the area with paper towels to dry it more quickly.

Mix 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide with 1 tsp. of liquid dish washing soap. Sprinkle the baking soda over the area, then drizzle the hydrogen peroxide and liquid dish washing soap over the stain and baking soda. Scrub the area well with a scrubbing brush. This will dissolve the baking soda and work the mixture down into the carpet. Let the area dry.

Vacuum the stained area.