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How to Dissolve Clumping Kitty Litter

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Hydrogen-peroxide based bleach

  • Empty spray bottle

  • Abrasive sponge

  • Hot water

  • Paper towels

  • Small trash bag

  • Plastic kitty litter scooper

Taking care of cats is a relatively easy task. One hang-up many cat owners have, though, is the less-than-glamorous chore of cleaning out the litter box. Normally, kitty litter boxes can be turned over into a trash can and refilled with ease. Over time though, the litter tends to clump together (especially at the bottom of the box) and requires a little elbow grease to get it all out.

Empty the litter box completely in your garbage can.

Put an old towel on the ground to protect your flooring. Place the empty litter box on top. Open a trash bag and place it next to the litter box.

Mix two parts hot water with one part hydrogen-based bleach in your spray bottle and shake well.

Spray all of the clumps that remain on the litter box thoroughly. Soak them well so they're easy to remove.

Scrape off the clumps of litter with the flat edge of the scooper, pick up the clumps that come off and throw them in the trash bag. Continue to do this until all the clumps are dislodged.

Spray the entire litter box with your bleach solution and use the sponge to scrape off any lingering kitty litter or stains. Liquid and bits of litter may start to pool at the bottom of your litter box. Take the box to the toilet and flush away everything inside.

Wipe down the litter box with a few paper towels until all litter residue is gone. Spray the box lightly with the bleach solution and wipe down with more paper towels until dry.


  • Let the litter box dry completely before refilling it.

    Use either a new, unused spray bottle or one that was used for non-toxic cleaners or water.


  • Don't use chlorine bleach to clean anything your cat will be using; it's potentially toxic. A hydrogen-peroxide-based bleach is safe to use around pets.