Things You'll Need
Steel tub
Povidone iodine
Warm tap water
1 gallon container
When Nipsey is going nuts scratching or nipping at his paws, a dip in an iodine bath will help alleviate the irritation. According to Dr. Karen Becker of the Mercola-sponsored Healthy Pets website, the process is simple: Just dilute iodine with water until the bath is the color of iced tea. If Nipsey's feet are bothering him, just five minutes standing in the bath will be effective. If he's suffering from hot spots, have him stand in the tub while you continuously rinse the affected area with the diluted iodine for the same amount of time.
Rinse a steel wash tub out with clean, warm water and dry it with clean rags before mixing the iodine bath.
Pour warm water into the steel tub 1 gallon at a time so you know exactly how much you've used; you won't need much water -- just 2 to 3 inches or enough to cover your dog's feet.
Add 4 teaspoons of iodine to the tub for every gallon of water you used, stirring the water with your hand as you pour. The correct mixture should be the color of iced tea. Add more iodine if the mixture looks too light; pour in more water if it appears too dark.
Cover the tub, or pour the iodine solution into a container that has a lid, when your dog is done soaking if you intend to let toe dog soak again. Don't use solution that is more than three days old, though. Discard it after that time and mix a new batch.
Povidone iodine is an organic anti-bacterial, anti-fungal solution that is nontoxic, so you won't need to rinse Nipsey off after a soak in an iodine bath. Just pat him dry with a clean towel.
Iodine may leave a yellowish-orange stain on dogs with light or white fur. It will wear off and his fur will return to its normal color, especially after a few washings.
- The Complete Healthy Dog Handbook; Betsy Brevitz
- Healthy Pets: Foot Bath Reduces Your Pet's Paw Licking and Chewing by 50%
- Dog Tip: First Aid Kits and Emergency Treatments - Prepare Now!
- Stop Your Dog From Licking and Chewing Her Paws
- Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook; Debra M. Eldredge, DVM, et al
Photo Credits
Big Cheese Photo/Big Cheese Photo/Getty Images
Writer Bio
Elle Di Jensen has been a writer and editor since 1990. She began working in the fitness industry in 1987, and her experience includes editing and publishing a workout manual. She has an extended family of pets, including special needs animals. Jensen attended Idaho and Boise State Universities. Her work has appeared in various print and online publications.