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How to Embalm a Pet

| Updated August 11, 2017

How to Embalm a Pet. When a pet dies, there are many things to consider. The animal could be cremated, buried or taken to a local taxidermist. In rare cases, an owner may even want to embalm their pet. Usually embalming occurs when an owner wishes their pet to join them in the casket. Learn about the embalming process by reading the steps below.

Place the pet on an embalming table.

Set the features. For dogs this could be done by placing a rubber band around the snout for mouth closure and/or closing the eyes with glue. Performing such a task after embalming would be difficult (or impossible) due to the formaldehyde causing the pet's skin to harden.

Raise the subclavian or carotid artery of the pet. Raising an artery means cutting the body, finding the artery and securing it for injecting formaldehyde.

Inject the embalming fluid into the artery and drain from the corresponding vein using an embalming machine. Such a device injects formaldehyde into the animal while forcing the blood out.

Puncture and aspirate all of the major organs thoroughly in the torso by using a trocar. A trocar is a long needle attached to a hydro aspirator that is inserted into abdomen or belly area. Next saturate the chest cavity with a highly concentrated formaldehyde solution.

Shampoo, blow dry and seal the incisions by stitching and applying adhesive to the area. For pets this is tricky due to the fact that there are no clothes to hide the evidence of embalming.

Place the pet in a casket with the deceased for showing or burial.