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Homemade Treat Ball to Hang in Stalls for Horses

i George Doyle/Stockbyte/Getty Images

If bad weather keeps your horse in his stall or he's on stall rest recovering from an injury, a hanging treat ball will keep him busy. A horse with nothing to do will chew his stall, pace or mash his hay underfoot. A treat ball containing carrots, grain and molasses is easy to make and a simple solution to avoid equine boredom.

Step 1

Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl, mixing until grain is thoroughly coated.

Step 2

Let the mixture stand for at least an hour, until the grain absorbs most of the liquid. Stir the mixture well.

Step 3

Spoon the mixture into angel food molds, or roll into large balls. Pack firmly.

Step 4

Bake at 350 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes. Watch to be sure the treats don't burn and adjust the baking time accordingly.

Step 5

Allow the treats to cool. Store any leftovers in a tight container.

Step 6

Thread bailing twine or string through the treat. Hang in your horse's stall loosely enough so the treat swings.