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What is the Best to Feed a Chipmunk?

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Chipmunks in the wild live off of the land, so their diet varies based on what is available. When determining what to feed a chipmunk, it's important to understand his natural feeding habits and keep his diet close to natural. Of course, what they eat in the wild is relative to where they live, what season it is and what is plentiful in nature.

Nutty Choice

Chipmunks feed off of nuts and seeds, which are generally the best choices when feeding your chipmunk. The type of nuts depends on the location. For instance, chipmunks in the south may feed on pecans and peanuts, whereas chipmunks in other areas may only have acorns, or oak nuts, and hickories available. Seeds in a chipmunk’s diet come from trees and flowers that include sunflowers, maples, beech, dogwood and sweetgum, according to the Fairfax County Public Schools website.

Veggies for Me

Fruits and vegetables also make up the chipmunk's diet. Chipmunks often seek out strawberries, blackberries and other berries that grow close to the ground. Vegetables and grains in the chipmunk's diet consist of the same vegetables many humans eat, including squash and corn. In the wild, chipmunks choose vegetables easy to reach, wreaking havoc on garden growers.

Living Food

In the wild, chipmunks practice survival of the fittest and eat other living creatures. They often feed on insects, snails, worms and slugs that are land-dwellers. Additionally, eating baby birds, snakes, eggs and mice is not out of the question for chipmunks, as stated on the Fairfax County Schools website. They also eat small frogs and salamanders in the wild. In captivity, however, chipmunks may turn their noses up when offered live food.

Eating Habits

Chipmunks feed up to six times a day, eating a small meal each time. They use their strong teeth to gnaw and chew and often store extra food in their cheeks. During the winter, the chipmunk does not hibernate but sleeps more than usual and may eat less often since his choices are often limited. He generally survives off food, like acorns and nuts, he stockpiled during the warm months and any passing creature he can find.