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Dinovite for Cats

| Updated September 26, 2017

Dinovite is a dietary supplement that aids in the control of feline allergies. Feline allergies cause itching and scratching and can lead to additional health problems for your cat. Dinovite helps to reduce shedding and aids in restoring your cat's healthy coat. Dinovite Feline is an all natural supplement that provides digestive enzymes, microbials and nutrients to help keep your cat healthy both inside and outside. Cats need amino acids, fatty acids and zinc for healthy skin and coat, and Dinovite provides these nutrients.


After years of trying unsuccessfully to treat the skin conditions affecting his pets, Ed Lukacevi, a Kentucky farmer and dog breeder/trainer, set about to develop his own form of nutritional supplement. He felt that many of his pet's skin problems were the result of poor nutrition, so he began to experiment with different nutrients, minerals and enzymes. He studied nutrition and experimented on his own pets until he came up with a formula that worked. His formulation was used on the pets of family and friends, and, after seeing the improvements to the pet's skin and coat condition, he decided to start selling Dinovite online so that every pet could have the benefit of this dietary supplement.


Dinovite is a dietary supplement that is added to your cat's food. Since altering a cat's diet may cause stomach upset; it is recommended that whenever you change a cat's diet you do so gradually.

The suggested amount of supplement for a 10 pound cat is 1 tablespoon of Dinovite per day added to his food. Beginning on day one through day three, add 1/4 tablespoon to your cat's regular food; on day four through day seven increase to 1/2 tablespoon; day eight through 11 feed 3/4 tablespoon, and from day 12 feed the entire tablespoon. This amount should be divided among the number of meals served per day. If feeding dry kibble, add a couple of teaspoons of warm water to help coat the kibble with the supplement; if feeding wet food, you can mix the supplement right in.

Cats rely heavily on their sense of smell for the purpose of eating. Cats will not eat what they cannot smell or what smells bad. If your cat reacts negatively to the supplement, you may have to introduce the supplement even more gradually than described above.

Where to Find

Dinovite Feline is sold online at Dinovitefeline.com and K-9healthsolutions.com. It comes in a 3 pint jar and is also available by the case. As the product becomes more popular, watch for it on healthyplanetrx.com, which currently carries Dinovite Canine.

Dinovite carries a full money back guarantee. It is suggested that you feed your cat the supplement for 90 days. If you are not happy with the results you may return the Dinovite to the manufacturer for a full refund within 180 days of original purchase.

Time Frame

Although every cat will respond differently to Dinovite, it is suggested you use the supplement for a full 90 days to see the entire benefits. Follow the suggested feeding amount for your cat's size.


Dinovite is made with all natural ingredients: Chicken meal, dried kelp, yeast culture, stabilized rice bran, salmon oil, spray-dried chicken liver, egg product, fructooligosaccharide, zinc methionine complex, diatomaceous earth, montmorillonite clay, yucca schidigera extract, Aspergillus oryzae fermentation product dehydrated, Aspergillus niger fermentation product dehydrated, Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product dehydrated, Lactobacillus casei fermentation product dehydrated, Bifidobacterium thermophilum fermentation product dehydrated, Enterococcus faecium fermentation product dehydrated.

If your cat is allergic to any of these ingredients, consult your veterinarian before use.