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Chewable Flea Control for Cats

| Updated September 26, 2017

A chewable flea-control medication makes the prospect of administering drugs easier by enticing cats to eat the tablet, rather than dispensing the pill into an unwilling feline mouth and risking life and limb in the process.


As of 2010, the only approved flea-control chewable in the United States is Program Flavor Tabs, manufactured by Novartis Animal Health.


Administered monthly, Program chewables contain the active drug lufenuron, which inhibits the growth and development cycle of fleas.


Lufenuron interferes with the chemical processes in egg- and larval-stage fleas. It does not kill adult fleas or fleas in the pupal stage.


Reported side effects of chewable flea-control tabs for cats include vomiting, lethargy, lack of appetite, loose stools, irritability, hyperactivity, trouble breathing and skin problems. If your cat experiences these side effects, seek medical treatment immediately.


The chewable flea-control tablets are made from pork and soy. The flavors are meant to entice cats into eating the tablet, which can also safely be broken up and mixed into wet food.