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Couch Covers That Repel Dog Hair

| Updated September 26, 2017

Pet hair can be a nightmare to remove from couches with loose weaves or lush naps where pet hair becomes trapped. You can cut down on the amount of vacuuming, brushing and other upholstery maintenance by cloaking your couch in a cover with a tight weave. Fabrics such as cotton duck seem to repel dog hair as the hairs are unable to work themselves in between the fibers.

Choosing a Fabric

Whether you do it yourself or purchase a ready-made cover, fabric is the No. 1 factor to find a repellent sofa cover.

Cotton Duck

Also known as cotton canvas, this material resists pet hair as well as scratching or tearing. Simply wipe pet hair away with a damp cloth or rubber brush. Numbered ducks have a tighter weave and are more durable than single weave ducks. Single weave cotton ducks have only one yarn in the weft of the fabric, versus two for the numbered ducks. Numbered ducks come in weights from 1 to 12, with the higher numbers being the lightest per square yard. Choosing a lower numbered duck gives you a more durable fabric, but it also will be stiffer.

Other Natural Fabrics

Leather and denim are two more fabrics that won't hold onto pet hair. Leather couch covers come in washable and water-resistant varieties. Denim's tight weave resists snagging and scratches from paws while not letting pet hair penetrate. Leather resists liquids such as drool and urine while denim will soak up liquids, possibly allowing them to penetrate to your couch below.


Tightly woven synthetics such as microfiber, polyester and acrylic resist letting pet hair into the fibers. Synthetics resist tears and scratching while being easily cleaned with a damp cloth and lint brush. Crypton Super Fabric's fibers are treated with a stain resistant, anti-microbial acrylic latex that make them resistant to odors as well as discoloration and hair. Microfiber material can imitate suede, velvet, corduroy or a host of other fabrics while maintaining a hair-repelling weave. Make sure to avoid microfiber code X material, which only can be cleaned by vacuuming.

Don't Do It Yourself

If you're not handy at sewing, you don't have to go to a designer pet boutique to find specially made couch covers designed to repel dog hair. Local big box stores carry durable couch covers specifically designed to stand up to pets. If your dog sheds mostly where he lies on the couch, you may want to buy a design where the slipcover protects the areas where pet hair collects -- such as the seat, back and arms. You'll still be able to view the design of your furniture even when the cover is on and will gain handy pockets on the arms for stashing your remote control. If your dog sheds heavily and his hair tends to waft through the air, you may want to get a traditional design where all surfaces of your couch are covered.