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Rose Breasted Cockatoo Temperament

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Rose-breasted cockatoos (Eolophus roseicapilla) are Australian pet birds that are also frequently referred to by the monikers of "roseate cockatoo" and "galah cockatoo." When it comes to pure personality, these mid-sized avians definitely have it -- and in droves. Since they adore attention so much, they work well with people who spend lots of time at home.

About Rose-Breasted Cockatoos

Rose-breasted cockatoos, as their handles convey, are rosy in coloration, with vivid pink plumage all over their stomachs, chests and faces. Their wings and backs, however, are both gray. They generally can achieve body lengths of a maximum of 15 inches. If provided with healthy diets, living environments and regular avian veterinarian care, rose-breasted cockatoos can survive for lengthy 65 years or so.

Basic Temperament

Rose-breasted cockatoos tend to possess self-assured, outgoing, clever, funny and spirited temperaments. Since these birdies are full of vitality and vigor, plenty of interactive and mentally stimulating toys are an absolute must in their living environments, whether foraging tubes, puzzles, chewy toys or anything else. Never place any toys in your bird's cage unless you have the prior safety "OK" of an avian veterinarian.

As monogamous birds, rose-breasted cockatoos tend to connect deeply with their mates. Once their mates pass away, angst and frustration are common. Rose-breasted cockatoos in the wild, however, generally find new mates in the event of death. Mutual grooming or "allopreening" is one way in which birds of this species frequently display their admiration and caring for each other.


These merry birds are not as talkative as some others, although they do gain the ability to speak, on occasion. Although conversation isn't often their forte, they do get vocal at times, especially during the morning and night hours before bedtime. Despite their occasional sessions of shrieking, they are are not particularly loud pet parrots.

Other Temperament Factors

Once male rose-breasted cockatoos are mature enough to reproduce, they may develop an intense dislike of physical contact -- something to note for owners of mature males. It also isn't uncommon for the males to engage in fierce behaviors with females. If rose-breasted cockatoos have in the past experienced mistreatment from humans, they may take on meek and easily frightened temperaments.