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Information on English Angoras

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There are few breeds of rabbit more unusual than the English Angora. They are very striking, but not always recognizable as a rabbit at first glance. They can be a lot of work to look after, but they can be rewarding pets if you're willing to put in the time.


English Angora rabbits were bred from French Angoras. Their French counterparts are often bred for commercial purposes because their fur -- or wool -- is used to make clothing. English Angoras, however, were specifically developed to be a show breed. It is unclear exactly when the breed was first created, but it was first recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association as a distinct breed of Angora rabbit in the United States in 1944.


English Angoras have a very long wool coat. They are the only type of Angora rabbit to have facial furnishings, which often obscure their eyes. Their ears are short and fringed with hair. They have short and compact bodies, with lots of long wool. This makes them appear much like a round ball of fluff. A full-grown buck should weigh between 5 and 7 pounds, and a full-grown doe between 5 and 7 1/2 pounds.

Temperament and Personality

English Angora rabbits are well-known for being a friendly and sociable breed. As long as you handle your pet regularly, he will become a loving member of the family. These rabbits are intelligent creatures so if you train them, they will learn to come when called. You can also teach your rabbit some basic tricks. They are easy to toilet train, so you can teach them to go in just one area. This is especially helpful if you want to keep your rabbit loose around the house.


An English Angora needs a lot of grooming, because their abundant wool will get matted if its not brushed regularly. They also shed, so it is better that you remove the hair, because if your rabbit grooms himself a lot, the wool can build up in his stomach and make him ill. This means that they're often not the best choice of pet for kids, unless they're willing to put in a lot of work with the rabbit's upkeep.