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Do Squirrels Spray?

i Tom Brakefield/Stockbyte/Getty Images

The acrobatic antics of squirrels provide hours of entertainment as they leap from tree to tree chirping and scurrying along high branches. Each squirrel claims a territory ranging from 1 to 7 acres where he will hide food and raise young. Squirrels mark their territory in a variety of ways including stripping bark, rubbing their scent glands on food or trees and spraying urine.

Marking Territory

Spraying is done exclusively by the male squirrel, usually accompanied by stripping a small area of bark from the tree. Scent markings appear most frequently on black walnut and sycamore trees and less frequently on pines and oak, according to a 1991 study by the University of Kansas. Female squirrels use scent glands on their feet and face to show their presence in their home territory.