When you own a pet mouse, you make an unwavering commitment to looking after the little guy's health and happiness. Sneezing in humans is often a hint that something is amiss, and the same applies to these rodents. A sneezing mouse is often a sick mouse, so take note.
Respiratory Infections
If you hear your pet constantly sneezing, he may have a respiratory infection. A handful of different components can lead to respiratory infections in mice, whether viruses or bacteria. Mycoplasmal infections, for example, often occur in mice. When mice have respiratory infections, they often display cold-like clues, including problems breathing normally and runny noses. If your mouse is breathing in a manner that seems inordinately loud, a respiratory infection could be responsible. Mice suffering from respiratory woes also frequently make conspicuous clicking sounds. This is referred to as chattering. Other typical symptoms of respiratory infections in mice are weight loss, reduced desire to eat, exhaustion, barely moving around and messy looking fur.
Dusty Bedding
The bedding in your critter's enclosure could be the reason for his persistent sneezing dilemma. Overly dust-packed bedding can not only bother your rodent's lungs and trigger sneezing, it can also often trigger uncomfortable gasping and whistling in breathing. If this is the case with your mouse, talk to your veterinarian regarding bedding options that give off minimal dust. She should be able to point you into the direction of more appropriate options.
Mice in Optimal Condition
If you're considering getting a specific mouse, pay close attention for indications of strong physical condition and health. Sneezing and noisy breathing are both big signals of potential medical ailments in mice. If a mouse is perfectly healthy, he should have clean looking eyes. His coat should look shiny and tidy. His skin shouldn't have any unusual protrusions. He shouldn't behave in a timid or apprehensive manner around humans. All of these things denote mice who are in fine fettle and ready to find homes.
Veterinary Care for Sneezing
Bring your mouse to the veterinarian at the first sign of sneezing and possible respiratory infection -- the sooner the better. Never allow mice with respiratory infections to be close to fellow mice, as they're highly contagious and you don't want all of your cuties to get sick. If the sneezing is the result of any illness in your mouse, the veterinarian can provide management options. Remember, mice, like other pets, require regular vet checkups regardless of the presence of signs of illness. Take your mouse to the vet a minimum of once annually. If he sneezes or seems sick, go to the vet immediately, even if he just had his yearly appointment.
- Mice; Sharon Lynn Vanderlip
- Animal Models for the Study of Human Disease; P. Michael Conn
- Critical Care Management for Laboratory Mice and Rats; F. Claire Hankenson
- Rats and Mice; Jinny Johnson
- The Merck Manual for Pet Health: Diseases and Disorders of Mice
- National Fancy Rat Society: Respiratory Disease in Rats and Mice
- Hilltop Animal Hospital: Care of Pet Mice and Rats
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: Mouse and Rat Care Sheet
- Stahl Exotic Animal Veterinary Services: Mouse / Hamster / Gerbil Husbandry
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