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Why Is My Hamster Wet Around His Mouth & Belly?

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You might have a tightknit rapport with your hamster, but he can't notify you, in any proactive sense, when he feels a bit off. You have to rely on your eyes and knowledge to determine if your pet's ill. Conspicuous patches of wetness on your hamster signify hamster sickness, either diarrhea or tooth-related issues. A wet stomach generally stems from diarrhea, and a wet mouth can be the result of either diarrhea or teeth overgrowth.

Wet Mouth and Teeth

Wetness around a hamster's mouth could be a result of drooling. Excessive salivation is a common indication of a hamster with teeth woes, often overgrowth. Hamster chompers continue growing as long as the wee critters are alive. Other common indications of teeth overgrowth in hamsters, apart from overly long teeth, are weight loss and zero interest in eating. Many hamsters with teeth overgrowth refrain from eating simply because they find the action extremely uncomfortable.

Tummy Woes

If the fur on your hamster's stomach looks conspicuously damp, it could signify diarrhea due to proliferative enteritis. Diarrhea in hamsters is often light brownish and extremely watery. It also can be clear. The moisture on your pet's stomach could be an effect of loose and watery stools. Proliferative enteritis is a bacterial infection that triggers inflammation in the wee rodents. It is particularly prevalent in youthful hamsters. Hammies experiencing frustrating life situations -- stress -- are most susceptible to contracting the infection, which stems from a pathogen called Lawsonia intracellularis. If your hamster is in an anxious mood due to cramped living quarters, moving house or anything else, he might be a strong candidate for catching proliferative enteritis. This condition can be fatal, and rapidly so. Hamsters with proliferative enteritis require urgent veterinary care, no exceptions. Other illnesses that often trigger diarrhea in hamsters include both Tyzzer's disease and infections of Escherichia coli.

Other Key Symptoms

Loose, runny stools and a moist tummy aren't the only typical indications of diarrhea in the furry critters. Damp tails also frequently signify other ailments. Tail dampness is so prevalent in hamsters with loose stools that their diarrhea is often known simply as wet tail. Other indications are weight loss, exhaustion, lack of desire to eat, disorderly coats and listlessness. If you spot any of these symptoms in your hamster, call the vet, pronto.

Messy Cage

Hamsters with diarrhea often take on an overall soggy appearance because of the mess of the watery stools. If your pet's mouth area looks wet, it could be because some of the mess somehow made its way to his face, especially if his living environment hasn't been properly cleaned for a little while.

Indications of Health

If your hamster is in glowing health, he probably won't have a wet and messy-looking tummy or mouth area. Hamsters who are perfectly healthy typically have shiny and tidy hair, vigilant eyes and clean noses. They are generally energetic. Their skin also usually looks even. Grooming is a common indication of a hamster in good condition. If your hamster doesn't groom and doesn't look vibrant, notify your vet immediately.