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The Maximum Speed of a Wolf

i Tom Brakefield/Stockbyte/Getty Images

A wolf may travel as many as 40 miles in a single day, but he has more than stamina. The wolf is also capable of moving quickly in short bursts. This allows him to hunt small and quick prey like hares as well large, strong and fast animals, like white-tail deer and mountain goats.

The Wolf's Speed

Built primarily for long-distance hunting, a wolf typically maintains a speed of about 5 miles per hour -- this moderate pace allows him to travel many miles in a single day while looking for food. Shorter bursts of high-speed running allow him to quickly close in on prey, but he can't maintain his maximum speed for long. He can run about 25 miles per hour for up to 2 miles. For shorter distances, he can run as fast as 40 miles per hour -- his top speed.