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Life Span of a Mole

i Michael Blann/Digital Vision/Getty Images

Moles are a solitary mammal found living in underground tunnel systems in lawns, gardens and other areas of vegetation with fertile soil. Although moles are pesky, they help aerate the soil of gardens and lawns, and they help keep snails, slugs and grubs at bay. Several factors influence mole life span.

Life Cycle

Moles' mating season occurs from February to April. Mating only once per year, females are pregnant for four to six weeks and give birth to litlers of two to six pups, according to the Mole Pro website. Once out of their mother's care and living on their own, pups are especially vulnerable to predators like owls and domesticated animals as they search for places to set up their own territories. Moles reach sexual maturity at 10 months. According to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, moles live on average four to six years.

Factors of Life Span

Moles' life spans depend on multiple factors such as soil type, predators and environmental factors. According to the Mole Catchers website, moles living in sandy soils don't live as long as moles living in soil that better retains moisture, since the sandy soil breaks down their teeth faster, affecting their ability to eat. Moles subjected to predators such as raccoons and coyotes, or even domesticated dogs, have shorter life spans on average, because of the prey mortality rate. Environmental factors like floods also affect moles' average life spans.