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How Do Foxes Sleep?

i Tom Brakefield/Stockbyte/Getty Images

Foxes are nocturnal mammals found on every continent except for Antarctica. Foxes are accomplished hunters for prey such as rodents and rabbits; however, they also eat fruits, vegetables and even pet food. Foxes are very flexible in their sleeping habits, using dens for reproductive purposes instead of as sleeping shelters.


Foxes live in numerous types of habitats, including grasslands, deserts, mountains, forests and even icy tundras. Foxes have also become comfortable settling in closer to human homes in urban areas. Foxes are clever creatures and are adept at adapting to diverse environments, provided they can find food and shelter.

Sleeping Habits

Foxes generally do not sleep in dens unless they are females who are giving birth to or raising cubs. Female foxes seek out dens made by other animals, like rabbits or badgers, but will dig their own den if necessary. Foxes in the wild curl up in a ball out in the open to sleep, retaining warmth by covering themselves with their bushy tails. Foxes who live in urban areas may sleep under structures such as sheds.