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What Kinds of Herbs Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

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Never be random when it comes to feeding your precious pet guinea pig. If you heard the little fluffballs enjoy vegetables, don't just give them any kind. If you read that they enjoy the occasionally herbs, make sure you know the specific varieties. Remember, what may seem harmless to you may not necessarily be safe for your little cavy.

Guinea Pigs and Herbs

Guinea pigs thrive when offered occasionally dietary supplementation in the form of fruits and veggies -- think once or twice a week. Herbs can also contribute to a well-rounded, healthy guinea pig food plan, as long as they're offered in small, controlled portions -- and only occasionally. If you plan on bringing herbs into your guinea pig's diet, it's also a smart idea to notify the veterinarian before you do so.

Suitable Herbs

A wide array of different herbs are both appropriate and safe for your guinea pig. Some examples include rocket, dandelion, fennel, basil, mint, parsley, dill, endive, cilantro (a.k.a. coriander) and thyme. As with all dietary additions, however, it's crucial to be slow and gradual when it comes to feeding your guinea pig anything new. If you are abrupt, your poor cavy may experience an upset tummy as a result -- uh oh.

Natural Diet

Herbs are a natural component to the grazing guinea pig diet, according to the RSPCA organization in the United Kingdom. The basic guinea pig diet consists of fresh grass, herbs and certain plants -- think the annual groundsel. The rodents are herbivorous and are big on roughage.

Vegetables and Fruit

Fresh vegetables and fruits, along with herbs, are suitable supplements or occasional treats for cavies. Never allow your guinea pig to eat any fruit, vegetable or herb, however, unless you have confirmation from a qualified veterinarian of its safety. Some examples of cavy-friendly veggies and fruits include celery, broccoli, peas, carrots, blueberries, bananas, seedless and core-free apples, cucumbers and pears. Remember, moderation is key to feeding guinea pigs fruits and vegetables, especially the former. Fruits are very sugary. Always chop up fruits and vegetables into small bites. Allow your guinea pig to eat approximately a single cup of veggies daily. As for fruit and herbs, keep them to between 1 and 2 teaspoons for every pound of your guinea pig's body weight.