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How to Use Ivomec Wormer in Goats

| Updated August 11, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Halter and lead

  • Scale

  • Ivomec

  • Syringe

  • Grain or other treat


  • Never give your goat too much wormer. Ivomec is a chemical, and an overdose can cause serious health problems such as stumbling, lack of coordination and seizures in your goats. Only use the medicine after consulting with your veterinarian.

    Wait at least 36 days after administering Ivomec before drinking milk or eating meat from a treated goat. This reduces the chance of drug residue in the milk or meat meant for human consumption.


  • You should see results within a week or two of worming. Your herd will have more solid stool and shiny coats and will eagerly eat their feed. The worming process should be repeated every three to four months.

Goats are relatively easy to care for and have been kept by humans for centuries for their milk, meat and hides. But goats are prone to internal parasites such as roundworms, hookworms and whipworms. Ivomec, a liquid wormer that has long been used in livestock such as cattle, sheep and pigs to control parasite infestations, can kill these same parasites in goats. Using Ivomec wormer in goats is not difficult and can help restore health and vitality to your herd.

i Kayla Dexter/Demand Media

Check your goat herd for signs of parasite infestation. Goats with worms will often have pale gums due to anemia, a dull, lifeless coat and severe bouts of diarrhea. Schedule a visit with your vet to have a fecal sample tested for parasites if you suspect your goats have a parasite infestation.

i Kayla Dexter/Demand Media

Catch one of your goats with a halter and lead. Many goats are reluctant to be handled by humans, so move slowly and touch your goats gently to prevent frightening them. Slide the halter over the goat's head and buckle it behind his ears, holding the lead firmly to keep him from escaping while you medicate him.

i Kayla Dexter/Demand Media

Weigh each goat on your scale and fill your syringe with the proper dose of Ivomec. Check with your veterinarian for the proper dosing amount, but in general, use 1 ml of liquid per 50 pounds of weight. Ivomec can be used on pregnant and young goats as long as the dose is adjusted correctly, so ask your vet for the correct dose before administering the medicine.

i Kayla Dexter/Demand Media

Hold the syringe in one hand and place it in the goat’s mouth, as far back on the tongue as possible to prevent him from spitting it out. Depress the syringe slowly to make sure the goat swallows the entire dose. The goat may react to the bitter taste of the Ivomec by trying to pull away from you, so hold the lead firmly to prevent his escape.

i Kayla Dexter/Demand Media

Offer your goat a handful of grain or other treat to help get the wormer taste out of his mouth and show him that being handled is a positive experience. Catch your next goat and repeat the worming process until you have medicated your whole herd.