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How to Teach a Pet Hermit Crab Tricks

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Hermit crab food

  • Hermit crab leash

How to Teach a Pet Hermit Crab Tricks. Here's another reason to invest in a pet hermit crab--they can do tricks! If you are an attentive owner capable of patient training, your hermit crab can respond to the sound of its name, "talk" to you and even walk on a leash! Read on to learn more.

Feed your crab carefully and gently with your hands. Offer your hermit crab small pieces of food and coax him to approach you from greater distances to establish a relationship of trust.

Talk softly to your crab while feeding it. Repeat its name. A soothing voice resonates with the hermit crabs, calms them and helps to familiarize them with the sound of your voice.

Call your crab by name. In time, your crab will recognize your voice and come to you when it hears it.

Chirp at your hermit crab. Mimicking its natural vocal patterns incites your hermit crab to respond. In this way, you can have "conversations" with your hermit crab.

Research hermit crab "leashes" and train your hermit crab to walk on one of them. Hermit crab can be rambunctious, inquisitive creatures that can easily wander away from their owners if left to their own devices. By linking your hermit crab to a plastic chain, you will be able to find it more easily when it chooses to explore.


  • Hermit crabs are known for individual personalities. Do not try to force your hermit crab into an act. Hermit crabs have preferences in their activities. The stress involved in forcing a hermit crab into any act may be detrimental to its health.


  • Do not attempt to link your crab to metal (and possibly toxic) chains. Research the hermit crab "leash," learn about its limits and the proper way to use it.