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How to Seal Stock Tanks

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Food-grade liquid coating

  • Paint brush

  • Gloves

  • Wire brush

Water for livestock is not a luxury, it's a necessity. Animals must have a readily available source of fresh water. A leaking stock tank can be expensive to ignore and more expensive to replace. By using a sealant, new tanks will last longer, and a leaking tank can be repaired.

Drain water from the tank, and allow it to air dry. Use the wire brush to scrape off algae, dirt and rust. Remove any debris from the stock tank.

Paint a one-eighth inch layer of the rubber coating over the entire interior surface of the tank with the brush. Allow to dry thoroughly.

Refill stock tank with fresh water.


  • If stock tank is badly deteriorated, consider replacing. If necessary, apply a second coat of the liquid rubber product before refilling with water.


  • Follow manufacturer's instructions for safe handling of the liquid coating. Wear gloves to protect hands.