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How to Get Rid of Rain Spiders

| Updated October 19, 2017


  • Keep poisonous sprays away from children or pets.

Rains spiders appear very scary but are actually not aggressive and will not bite unless they feel threatened.They get their name from fear of the rain: When it rains, they like to take shelter inside. Rain spiders can be found in South Africa, and there are several ways to get rid of them. Follow these steps to keep rain spiders out of your home.

Find where the rain spider is nesting.They typically nest between trees, between tall grass stems, or in gardens with tall flowers or plants.

Spray the nest with pesticide spray. You will not want to stand very close since smaller spiders will be running out of the nest. If you stand at least 7 feet away when you are spraying, you should be safe.

Spray all window and door frames along with the outside of your home. Anywhere you think the rain spider would enter, spray it with pesticide and they should stay out.

Install a yellow bug light that kills off other insects. Since spiders will go where there tends to be food, they will end up inside your home if they think there are other insects in there to eat. Therefore, by using a bug zapper that will kill off any other insects, you will decrease any reason for a rain spider to enter your home.

Surround your home with sevin dust. This needs to be put around the foundation of your home. You want to do it when there hasn't been rain in two days and you don't expect any in the next few days. This will keep the dust around your home and prevent any spiders from entering.