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How to Rid your House of Spiders (For Good!)

| Updated October 19, 2017

Spiders are often driven indoors by the cold weather-but that doesn't stop them from invading your home at all others times of the year too. If you see spiders roaming around your house, don't stand for it. This article will give you a few tips on how you can get rid of those spiders-for good!


First, spiders love dark, dirty, and cluttered places, so tidy up! They like to hide in anything you leave lying around, clothes, boxes, and miscellaneous clutter than provides a nice hiding spot. Check under your large appliances (refrigerators and freezers), and in cabinets. Keeping your room (garage, attic, basement, family room, what have you) clean will not only deter spiders, but it will make them easier to find and eliminate.


Spiders are also attracted to areas where you leave out food, namely the kitchen, but the kitchen sink, your garbage next to the floor, and your counter top all make excellent buffets for a hungry eight-legged explorer. Your leftover (or poorly disposed of) food attracts ants and other small insects that spiders love to snack on. If you eliminate the food source, spiders will have no other option but to leave.


Seal your house up. Spiders love to find small cracks in the window seal or the bottom of your door-to them, it's free heating. Go to your local hardware store and buy some caulk (safe for children, pets, non-toxic), and seal up the cracks in your home. Search for cracks in the floors, walls, or any other nice doorway to the outside world.


After you have protected your house, it's time to eliminate the problem! The simplest and most inexpensive way is to go through and vacuum your house. Vacuum any areas where you have found spiders, webs, or bugs. This will help you to find any egg sacs or other little spiders that may be in hiding. Once you vacuum out your house, keep it clean and keep it sealed.


To further deter spiders from your home, you can turn off your outside porch lights. Similar to the dirty dishes in the sink, outdoor lights attract bugs and other small insects-and spiders won't be far behind! Take a step outside tonight and see if this is an issue at your home.