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How to Give Up a Dog for Adoption

| Updated September 26, 2017

If you can no longer take care of your dog for any reason, take the time to find it a new home the right way. There are plenty of people out there willing to adopt a dog--all you have to do is find them. Rather than dropping your dog off at an animal shelter or asking people on the street to take it, spend a little time to locate a good home for your pet.

Ask yourself if you really need to give up your dog. Some people give away dogs for the wrong reasons. If your dog acts out or misbehaves constantly, consider training options like videos, books or hiring a trainer. If you are getting rid of the dog because you are having a baby, think again. Well-trained dogs pose no threat to infants and can become a meaningful addition to your child's life. If you are moving, cannot afford a dog or are allergic, then giving up the dog is the right move.

Have the dog immunized and checked on at a veterinary clinic. Make sure the dog is healthy and has its shots so that adopters don't have to worry about it.

Take a photograph and write a description of the dog, including its name, traits and breed. Mention why you are giving the dog up for adoption, and be honest.

Let people know that you are giving the dog up for adoption through social networking sites, posters and emails. Call your friends and family to see if they may be interested in adopting your dog.

Talk to possible adopters before you give your dog up. Find out if they have adequate resources like time, money and housing to take care of your dog. Once you decide on an adopter, draw up a brief adoption contract saying that you give ownership and responsibility of the animal to the adopter. Sign the paper in the presence of a witness to protect yourself from future liability.