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Allergy to Turkey in Dogs

| Updated September 26, 2017

Just like humans, dogs can also have allergies. They can be allergic to pollen or chemicals found in cleaning products. They can also be allergic to different foods, like turkey.

Turkey Allergy

Dogs usually develop allergies to a protein source in food such as turkey or milk. Food allergies can develop at any age and in any breed of dog.


A dog experiencing an allergic reaction to turkey will develop itchy skin all over its body. In a severe reaction, a dog's muzzle might swell and it could develop welts on its face, according to the book "The First Aid Companion for Dogs & Cats."

Immediate Treatment

An antihistamine or a cool bath can help soothe a dog's itchy skin. If a dog is having a severe allergic reaction to turkey, the owner should contact a veterinarian immediately.

Long Term Solutions

In the long term, the best treatment is to avoid giving the dog anything to eat that contains either turkey or turkey-derived protein. Dogs with severe allergies could require home-cooked meals to eliminate the risk of accidental exposure, according to the ASPCA.


Food allergies in dogs are fairly rare. A veterinarian can help determine if a dog has a turkey allergy by designing an elimination diet for it.