The West Highland White Terrier or “Westie” is recognized as part of the terrier group. The breed is particularly affected by skin allergies, as well as the more common food and flea allergies. These can be controlled with medication or diet changes.
Flea Allergies
Flea allergies in Westies become apparent with uncontrollable scratching or biting at the legs. It's not the flea bite that the dog is allergic to but rather the flea saliva. This allergy can be remedied with antiflea medication.
Food Allergies
Westies can develop food allergies to ingredients in their dog food like wheat and corn. Food allergies can take the form of skin or gastrointestinal irritation and can only be controlled by altering the dog's diet.
Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis can affect Westies and causes itchy skin and paw licking. It is the result of an allergic reaction to pollen, mold and dust mites. Atopic dermatitis is incurable but treatable with medication.
Malassezia Dermatitis
Malassezia dermatitis is not an allergy but a yeast infection found on the skin of Westies as the result of an allergic reaction. The symptoms include loss of hair and oily, itchy, blackened, foul-smelling skin. Treatment includes anitfungal drugs, medicated shampoo, antibiotics, antihistamines and topical treatments.
Other Allergies
Contact with flea collars, soap, grass and nylon carpet can cause skin irritation and itching in some Westies. To prevent an allergic flare-up, owners should keep their pets away from the substances.
Photo Credits
west hilend wite terrier 5 image by Olga Barbakadze from
Writer Bio
Jazmin Ross is from Atlanta and has been writing professionally for the past four years. Her work has been published in "Gwinnett Magazine," "The Gwinnett Business Journal,", and "The Valdosta Daily Times."