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Why Are My Cat's Paws Yellow?

| Updated September 26, 2017

Your cat's paws suddenly turning yellow may be nothing to worry about. Some yellow paws could be caused from an illness or exposure to chemicals, but is more likely the culprit of a common cat product: kitty litter. Monitor your cat's activities and seek out medical assistance if your pet is also experiencing other symptoms, a change in appetite or fur loss.

Liver Problems

Check to ensure no other part of your cat is turning yellow except its paws. Yellow eyes or a rectum could indicate a serious issue with its liver and requires a visit to the veterinarian or animal hospital immediately. The yellow symptoms could also be related to feline jaundice.

Kitty Litter

Check your usual brand of kitty litter. Most cats develop yellow paws from natural brands of litter that include the use of corn and corn cobs. World's Best Cat Litter is one such natural brand that creates a yellow dust that can be tracked through your home by your cat.

Corn-Based Litter

Ask your veterinarian about your cat litter to ensure that it is safe for your cat. It would be unusual for your cat to purposefully consume its own litter. However, it may accidentally digest it when cleaning its paws or grooming. Usually, cats can digest corn-based litter safely.

Litter Removal

Many corn-based litters clump and harden quickly. This will make it difficult to flush down the toilet and may not be safe for your plumbing. Always use a waste scooper and place the used litter into a sealed bag and throw away in an outdoor garbage bin.


Visit your veterinarian if your litter is not corn based, you have changed brands and your cat's paws are still yellow. Monitor your cat's activities before your visit to determine if it is exposing itself to any chemicals that may be responsible for its yellow paws.


Consider if you have recently administered tapeworm medication to your cat. Generic dewormer can cause your cat to shed its worms. These yellow tapeworm segments may be shed around the house or picked up on your cat's paws. Discarded tapeworms resemble sesame-seed-sized yellow balls.