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How to Treat Skin Rash in Cats

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Flea and tick medication

  • Mild or natural cat shampoo

  • Antihistamines

Cat skin rashes can be caused by exposure to an allergen in the environment or allergic reactions to the current pet food. Common symptoms of skin allergies include excessive scratching, rubbing or chewing at the skin; hair loss; or skin rashes. A rash could also be an indication that your cat has fleas or mites, according to the John and Caroline Bower, authors of "The Cat Owner's Problems Solver." Before taking your cat to the veterinarian you should attempt a few home remedies to reduce symptoms.

Wash all bedding. The allergen may be located where your cat sleeps, according to Bower. To get rid of the allergen wash your cat's bedding at a high temperature at least once a week. Use a steam cleaner if you have carpeting to remove allergens and dust mites from the environment.

Use a flea collar. A flea collar should be put on your cat and used at all times to kill current fleas and prevent future infestations. Spray your rugs and drapes with anti-flea spray to kill eggs and larvae, according to Bower. Your cat's veterinarian will also prescribe parasiticidal drugs to kill fleas and other insects such as fur mites.

Attach an Elizabethan collar to your cat. Your cat's skin rash can cause discomfort, which causes him to scratch his rash and worsen the rash. Although your cat will dislike the collar and attempt to remove it, it is important that it remains on until the rash goes away.

Use an air purifier. Inhaled allergens can cause your cat to sneeze, itch and have skin rashes, according to Bower. Use an air purifier to rid the air of allergens and other pollutants that may cause allergy symptoms.

Restrict your cat's diet. The regular diet could be the cause of her skin rash. According to Bower, beef and chicken products can cause irritation, even if it has been in the cat's diet for quite some time. The best way to determine your cat's allergy is by elimination. Eliminate meat or dairy from her diet for at least eight weeks, and check her coat weekly to see if the skin rash remains. If the rash persists, visit the veterinarian.

Clean your cat's coat. Although he may put up a fight it is necessary to remove the allergens from his coat. A mild shampoo can remove allergens, or you can use a damp cloth to wipe him down thoroughly.

Administer medication. Your veterinarian may prescribe antihistamines to reduce the skin rash and other symptoms associated with allergies. Side effects of medication include vomiting, diarrhea or loss of appetite.